Mike Knoche is the consummate podcast host. He thoughtfully chooses guests who are genuinely interesting, who add value to the industry, and who are excited to share their story. It’s obvious that he takes the time to research and understand his guests so that he can shine a light on what makes them unique in the industry. Instead of just running through cookie cutter questions, his questions are tailored specifically to each guest which gives listeners a fresh take with every episode. He draws attention to different frames of mind, perspectives and ideas. By doing so, the pod doesn’t get repetitive or stale. On top of that, his intros are always expertly crafted to encapsulate the essence of each and every guest’s personality.
I’ve learned so much already as a new remodeling contractor and business owner to give me the leg up, and to prepare me for a long lasting and successful career as a remodeler. The thing that makes the show so relatable to me personally, is hearing other successful folks in the trades talking openly about their struggles, it unifies us and helps to diminish stigma surrounding the industry. Whether it’s experiences with financial stability, emotional and mental well-being, physical health, or family and relationships, Mike jumps right in and asks the hard questions. He also asks the business and trade specific questions that we may be embarrassed to admit that we don’t know, whether we’ve been in the industry for one year, or 20.
Through this podcast, Mike gets at the heart of what it means to be in this type of work- we are all builders, creators and artists. By collecting these stories, lessons learned, and knowledge, we can all help to elevate the field by staying on the cutting edge of building science, being transparent and ethical in our day to day, and we don’t have to choose between caring about the client’s project OR our mental and physical health, we can do BOTH.
It is clear that goal of this podcast is to make the industry better. He wants the those in the trades to be more welcoming to newcomers and women, he urges us all to be curious about new methods, and to think critically about the way things have always been done. In this way, he is a catalyst for positive change within the industry and that ripple effect can be seen far and wide with his international guest list. I love this podcast!!